Monday, February 27, 2017

The Met field trip

On February 19 our Web Design class went on a trip to The Metropolitian Museum. We went to look many different types of art and to be inspired and have a deeper understanding of what it really is. During the trip I learned how anything could be art even to a math problem or stacked up blocks. Also I learned about how art was used and it's history such as an inspiration and an enlightment. This knowledge contribute towards my Web Design class because it gives us different perspectives and understanding of how art could be viewed. This was an amazing experience because I learned more of art and recieved a different narrative towards art. My favorite part of this trip was the presentation of the Pixcell deer, this was representation of a deer covered by marble as way of being viewed as digital image. I would go to this museum again since there was great artwork and there is still a large amount of work that I haven't seen. There was a difference in the concept of the map for the museum digitally and physically. One of the diffrences is that the digital version provides clearer directions suchas the food court or American Wing than the physical copy.

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