Friday, April 28, 2017

Project 7

Project 7 was to create a poster based on identity using either the software Photoshop or InDesign. My poster was that your nationality is also part of you which makes it your identity. the way I added nationality into the poster is by creating a collage with a head figure and inserting a variety of national flags. In addition, by creating a collage the mask tool and magic wand is the best and easiest way to do it. Furthermore, I added text inside the head that warps( curves) so that it doesn't look simple and to give it a head outline. I am proud of my project and it had many colors and flags representing identity and who you are

Project #6

Project 6 was to create a yearbook using the InDesign software and a group of at least 3 members. The yearbook could be about any type of theme, my group chose technology which gave us many options and ideas. During the process we learned how to insert images to a text. This helps us have more attractive designs and add color to our work. Also we learned what is necessary to have in a yearbook such as a table of contents, student photographs and an attractive cover for showcase. In addition, my group came up with unique content like, Memes of the year, student biography and autograph section. The project consisted in a lot of time and during the 3 weeks, we struggled completing each section of the yearbook on time but managed to turn it in

Monday, April 24, 2017

Elements of a Newspaper

There many elements in newspaper such as the anchor, banner, caption, teaser, dateline and masthead. The anchor is a creative soft story that makes it for readers to become more attracted towards the newspaper. Bold large text the go across the eight columns is called the banner which is to represent momentous events in current time. Text that is near an image is usually the caption that describes the photograph. Furthermore, teaser represents the stories and content that are going to mentioned in the newspaper and it's in a box below the masterhead. The dateline shows the name of the location where the story originated from and the day it was written. Lastly, the masthead is where the title of the newspaper was published and also provide the location of where it took place.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Image Blending

Blending a text with an image enhances the design because it seems more appealing rather than plain text. Also the design shows a better meaning of what the text is trying to represents since it has an image to show, In addition, the blending of the image allows the photo to be less prominent and applies a mood based on the colors. The design is more appealing only with the correct techniques supporting it such as blurring the background, placement and gradient overlay. Furthermore, the images I've chosen both have transparent text which allows the view to become more entertained and amazed.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lab # 9

Lab #9 thought us how to add page numbers easily and quicker than typing the number on each page that consists of more time. The way to number the pages quickly is to be in control of the Master which whatever is added on to it applies t the rest of the pages. Create a type box on both end of the pages then go to the windows bar and look for type then special characters, markers and current add current page numbers. Furthermore, we learned how to print it in a way that we could make it into a booklet. Learning how to print it is important because it wouldn't come out the way you would expect it as a booklet rather than separated sheets of paper that don't correspond to each other. Also we had to accurately apply a shape that when the booklet is opened up it would completely appear on each page. This lab helps us have precision and save time by having alternative ways to complete tasks.

Ten 80 Event

The Ten 80 event was about us learning more about S.T.E.M. programs such as mathematics, science, engineering and technology. Also we learned more about how the army uses technology to advance more than other countries. We got to choose a program we would've liked to attend such as game, code, race, etc. and I got to attend game. In the game program we developed ideas to introduce a concept of a game we would like to create. In addition, participating in these events allows us to have the opportunity to receive rewards and prizes such as cash, internships and game development. Furthermore, we were able to ask questions to the CEO of the Ten 80 and receive information about how her goal was accomplished. Communicating with these guest allowed us to have inspiration and creativity to help us in the future and achieve our goal.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Animated Brochure

We created brochure which was then converted to Flash Player.swf. This allowed us to add animations to our brochures so that it has a dynamic feeling. An example of an animation is the fade in option which allows the selected area to appear/ fade. The animations I chose were simple but nothing too crazy such as spinning, dancing or jumping areas that would question the viewer about the choices that were made. Also we were able to change the duration of the animation and could make it a cycle/ loop. In addition, the animation could start in different directions other than its original location. Furthermore , we could add Page Transitions which when you go to the next page it will do a animation such as a rectangular close or eliptical open towards the next page. Having these skills help us become better Web Designers in the future and give us ways to attract people with motion. finesse and variety.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Met field trip

On February 19 our Web Design class went on a trip to The Metropolitian Museum. We went to look many different types of art and to be inspired and have a deeper understanding of what it really is. During the trip I learned how anything could be art even to a math problem or stacked up blocks. Also I learned about how art was used and it's history such as an inspiration and an enlightment. This knowledge contribute towards my Web Design class because it gives us different perspectives and understanding of how art could be viewed. This was an amazing experience because I learned more of art and recieved a different narrative towards art. My favorite part of this trip was the presentation of the Pixcell deer, this was representation of a deer covered by marble as way of being viewed as digital image. I would go to this museum again since there was great artwork and there is still a large amount of work that I haven't seen. There was a difference in the concept of the map for the museum digitally and physically. One of the diffrences is that the digital version provides clearer directions suchas the food court or American Wing than the physical copy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

CTE Expo Review

The CTE Expo was an event so that we could practice our communication and interviewing towards others. At first we thought that it was about the 9th Graders being introduced to the academies and learning what's about, that wasn't the main priority. There were many things going on in the classroom but there was a lack of approach and bravery towards the 9th graders. Also it seemed as if they were more interested in the computers rather than physical projects such as a poster board based on typography.
   In addition, there were a few students that didn't care about the event and isolated themselves from others. There were certain situations that went well such as the attempts to explain what is Web Design about and why they should join. Also we all dressed professionally in buisness clothes such as suits, polo shirts and button shirts. Furthermore, this unites the whole Web Design team since the 11th and 12th graders were also part of the event. As the rest of our 3 years in the CTE academy continues we will only be getting better and less shy to share our thoughts. This was a great time and a good way to improve our skills in communicating with others

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hour of Code

The hour of code is literally an hour of coding. A website to practice coding is Khan Academy. Coding isn't difficult as people think since it's simple and striaght forward. Also we participated with the founder of the hour of code Hadi Partovi. He explain to us how this is going to help us in the future with technology and understanding it. In addition, we had the chance to teach others from our school and let them have an hour of code. We guided them in what to do but we let them use the computer. People such as Neymar, Sergio Ramos and Marcelo participated in the hour of code. This shows how it's infuential around the world and even the biggest stars do coding.

This is important in the future because as technology advances we need learn how to use it and not understanding it will leave us behind.

Sunday, January 22, 2017


This project was about creating business cards using a new software InDesign. Also we had to be creative since we needed 3 drafts but with each one getting better. My business card was representing religion using hands of faith. My first draft had the hands but with text in different languages such as Spanish, English, Italian, Saudi Arabian and French meaning faith. This draft was very basic and simple so in my second draft I added light illuminating from the hands and added shading for more texture. The idea of the light was represent hope and prosperity. The horizontal text tool helped me added the words in each finger to have a clearer meaning. To fill in the color of the light and the hands I used the brush tool and vector shapes to add straight lines. In addition, my final draft had a minor addition compared to the rest but made it more noticeable and nicer, I added clouds to the background using baby blue and white to make it as accruable possible. InDesign helped us complete the business cards by allowing us to use a business card size document. Furthermore, customizing the margin to 1p0p allowed us to have more space of the card then being limited on space. This is helpful in the future since learning the techniques of InDesign will make us better Web Designers and more creative

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Project #3

This Project was very challenging in many ways. The goal was to restore the image using the tools we learned such as the spot healing, patch, stamp and content aware tool. The image is in very bad condition which limits our selection using the healing tool. Also when using the patch tool it is necessary to zoom into pixels so that is when you patch it there is minimal difference between its surroundings. In addition, for the blue background healing brush tool is best since most of its surrounding is the same color. This helps it blend with the image making it look new and clear. Furthermore, to eliminate the white spots on the face patch tool is helpful but only in small portions. If the patch tool is used in a big size then people start to realize the difference in the image and it will look odd. The eye on the left is very messy and the best way to fix it is to use spot healing tool which allows you to use parts of the other twin's face as an alternative. This project requires a lot of time since there are many details that are covered. Overall, this project was difficult but helps us understand and have better use of the tool needed for this .


Lab#8 required a series of steps towards our goal, which is to modify certain images with specific tools. Image "a" was about us fixing the bottom left of the image using the healing brush tool to add missing grass. Also using the clone stamp tool we had to replace the sprinklers for grass. Using the healing brush tool requires to use a good selection so that it could be unnoticeable and strange.
           In Image "b" we had to remove holes from the rock using the patch tool to match the its surroundings. In addition, to using the patch tool using the stamp tool also helps the blend of the hole. This image was fairly easy since the task only required the removal of the hole and its surrounding were very similar. Overall image "b" was simple but helpful in learning the tools.
          Image "c" was challenging since it was very sensitive. The task was to remove the wrinkles off a person to make him look younger. The healing brush tool was the most useful but hardest to use. This was because the spot selection had to match his skin tone and not look odd to the rest of his face. Also the person had wrinkles near his eyes but had glasses, this couldn't be replaced just with skin but also with lens to match and remove the wrinkle.